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Quotes about Behavioural Conflict


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Quotes about Behavioural Conflict

Lt Gen HR McMasters

Time Magazine 100 most influential people in the world

Behavioural Conflict makes a compelling argument that influence must be an integral component of future military operations. In so doing, the book contributes significantly to our understanding of contemporary armed conflict

Vaughan Bell

Clinical psychologist, journalist and author

The book has become a core text for a new generation of officers and argues that changing behaviour – not beliefs or perceptions – is the key to military influence ...

General Sir Rupert Smith KCB DSO OBE QGM

I commend this excellent book authored by two practitioners with a record of success. It makes a clear and well argued case for a profound change to our conduct of War Amongst the People.


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Quotes About Behavioural Conflict

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Quotes About Behavioural Conflict

Amy Zalman

Keynote Futurist Speaker

I cannot think of any books about warfare's future that come across as hard-hitting, full of actionable pragmatism, and deeply humane all at the same time. But Behavioral Conflict: Why Understanding People and their Motivations will Prove Decisive in Future Conflict is all three

Martin Bell

UNICEF Ambassador, War Reporter, Politician.

The lessons of Afghanistan are finally being learned. This is a pioneering work of theory grounded in practice. It is a manual of war fighting in the information age, not only how to win wars but how to limit and even avoid them. The authors understand that firepower alone will not change people's minds.

Richard Bath

Journalist, Editor, Author

This tome has teeth and may just be the most important book our politicians may never have the stomach to read.

If you think that you may be going on operations between now and say, 2050, read this book. If you wish to become a better professional member of the Armed Forces, read this book. In short, read the book - now

Army Rumour Service (ARRSE)

British Army Discussion and Chat Site